I love drawing and I love playing Marvel vs Capcom :D

Age 35, Female

Graphic Artist


Joined on 3/25/09

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1,470 / 1,600
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5.41 votes
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I watched your tut, very helpful. I didn't even know PS had that many commands and such. I'll definitely head over to your DA account.

By the way, do you do your drawing with a mouse? I'd assume not, since your tut said something about high powered scanners, but just a question out of curiosity.

Hi :D

Nope, I don't do it with a mouse. ^^ I use a thing called a tablet, you can check them out at www.wacom.com. Basically they're like a giant mouseboard, but instead of using the actual mouse on the board, you use a pen :)

Yo there =)

I watched your tutorial and I found it... Epic xD I've been wondering how to color with PS for AGES, and then I saw your flash on the frontpage xP

Btw cute chibi sketch. I might hire you if I got a nice thought on my head =D

Aw :D Thankyou!! :)

"- Painting/Lineless (Photoshop)"

I vote for this =P

Ok :) That one's currently 3rd though ;_:

Wacom huh? I remember being referred there. I don't buy things things off the internet anymore since the Go-Kart incident. If I could find one in stores, then it'd be a different story.

Yeah Wacom :) Some Best Buys actually sell them now :D I'm not sure if it's rare though, I live in a pretty big City so we have lots of Best Buys to go to and check >_<

hello, I feel like I'm taking advantage of you to ask this,
but would you like to join a flash comic zombie survival collab?
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1076344">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 076344</a>

I'm sorry ;_; I'm preparing for a table at a comic convention for the next few months so I won't be able to participate in any projects >_< It looks really interesting though, I'm looking forward to seeing it here :D

Hey I just wanted to say thank you for your very helpful tutorial! I'm a college student studying graphic design and I have never even been taught half the stuff you've demonstrated! For your next demonstration I think you should do effects and textures. Anyway thanx again!

Yay! You're very welcome :) Thank you for reading it! Haha, half the stuff they really teach in college most of the time isn't the fun and cool stuff that we end up using on the internet :(

And okay :) That's currently in second place right now though. :) Thanks for voting!

I read the tutorial that you made even though I don't use that program... Or any others...
It was just that fun to read. Btw nice picture =D

Thanks very much :D

wow now, I already bought photoshop for like 90$ and now there stuff like drawing tablets and scanners. You must have spent a pretty penny on all this.

Well, I've been drawing for a long time, so I didn't just buy all the things just for this tutorial, and I do have a job in Graphic Design as well as Freelancing as an artist :)

Wavechan, your art is absolutely amazing!

Aw, thank you! :)

Love your art :D

:D Thanks very much!!

hey i saw your tutorial it really helped a lot thankz!!! :D
btw i was wondering what kind of tablet you use because i really didnt care about tablets but now im thinking about getting one :P i looked at wacom but i was wondering if you had a preference for one :P from your pictures i think ill get one like yours XD

Yay! :) I'm glad it was helpful. I use an Intuos 2. XD ... Super .... super super super super duper old one. I think it's going on 10 years now!

Any of the Intuos or Graphires are perfect for art :) Just choose whatever size you feel comfortable with. If you're really worried about the money spent, just take a piece of paper, cut it to the size of the tablet screen that's available on the www.wacom.com website, and try to draw on it to see how comfortable the sizes will be for you :)


epic:) your pics are really original. youve got some ultra cool slillz:D

i wont lie youve got me inspired very few females can do that to me lol (not being sexest)

anyway enjoy your day you rock!!!!

Nice Pic.
I Like It

Well Wave after going through that Photoshop tutorial you did, I said good picture might as well see what she has... it's one of those jaw dropping moments when I hit your Art page. All fantastically fanmade arts of Megaman, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam, and Final Fantasy. Yes I agree with you on the tutorial that Kingdom Hearts 2 was a great game lol.

Of course I cannot draw what so ever, and if I tried it would probably look like crummy things compare to you so that's why I'm into modding video games and map making Warcraft 3 lol. I wish you good luck in the future and becomming a Colorist for Marvel Comics I might buy a copy or two from you lol.

yea i need help on the thing. umm when i put the second layer and put color fill white, nothing happend D:

Try just making /another/ brand new layer and filling it with white, let me know if that works!

yea i tried the fill white but the checerboard wont go away D:

You tried it on another brand new layer? o.o
Just make a totally new one on top of everything. Ignore the one that you tried to do.

Try using the brush tool on it. Did the brush tool work? Then try doing the fill.

If the brush tool didn't work, then I think you might have Preserve Transparency on, or you're not selecting the layer when you're trying to do things ^^ Make sure you click the layer that you want to do the fill with, and then try :)

ahh! alright thanks!!

Do you wanna maybe have a private chat? I think I have fallen in love with your artwork.

can you also make somthing from twewy (the world ends with you)??

Who's awesome?

Ur awsum. Srsly. D:

Hit me up and let's chat sometime. :3

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